Back Country Horsemen of Alaska

Working to protect natural land resources. Dedicated to preserving local and back country trails.

Save the Mat-Su Greenbelt website is live

August 30, 2020

Mat-Su BCHA has joined the “Save the Mat-Su Greenbelt” coalition.

From the University of Alaska Fairbanks Public Service Announcement: Heavy equipment is working near trails in the Matanuska Greenbelt Trail System that pass through Matanuska Experiment Farm and Extension Center property to evaluate gravel resources. An excavator will dig multiple test pits and a drill rig will test subsurface conditions in nine boring locations.

The assessment work is being done in response to budget reductions and a request from the University of Alaska Board of Regents that universities find ways to generate revenue from their property. As part of that effort, UAF has decided to evaluate the gravel resources at the Matanuska Experiment Farm and Extension Center for a prospective future gravel mining operation. (You can view the full PSA on our resources page).

What has been affected so far?
Damage has been done to recreational trails, including the Long Lake Connector and the Long Lake Trail. Prospective roads for gravel extraction will be built that will affect farm land.

How can we stop this?
As one, cross-interest voice of passionate Greenbelt and farmland advocates, we can encourage the halt of additional core sampling, stopping a gravel quarry entirely and preventing irreversible damage to this beloved, heritage farm land and recreational area. See some ways to join the cause below.

Learn how to help on the website here.