Back Country Horsemen of Alaska

Working to protect natural land resources. Dedicated to preserving local and back country trails.

Mat-Su Mileage Challenge Winners

December 12, 2024

Congratulations to the 2024 Mileage Challenge winners! These miles were earned from May 1 to October 30, 2024. 

1st Place: Stacy Sawyer with 373.3 miles: $50 Riding Warehouse Giftcard

2nd Place: Colleen Fisk with 186.7 miles: $25 Riding Warehouse Giftcard

3rd Place: Allie Schock with 110.6 miles: $25 Riding Warehouse Giftcard

They will each also receive a BCHA baseball cap and sticker. 

Congratulations Stacy, Colleen, and Allie!